Wild Sage Healing LLC

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Chronic Dehydration: A Look Deeper

Do you know what causes dehydration? 

Do you feel consistently parched or have a thirst?

 Do you drink coffee or soda all day?

 Does your urine often look dark and have a pungent odor? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, let's read further. In understanding dehydration, a chronic condition we must address the root of the issue. Our cells need water molecules and minerals to function appropriately. When there is a lack, we get thirsty, parched, constipated, have headaches, Brain fog, and dark-colored urine. Here are a few steps in getting back on track with supporting your body’s water levels!

  • How Much Should I Drink?

    • Feeling Waterlogged?

Do you know how it feels when you drink a bottle of water in one sitting and hear it sloshing around inside? That feeling of being bloated? You are doing the right thing by hydrating, so why does it feel this way?

What if I told you that not all water is created equal? Alkaline water is more effective at hydrating the body due to its high mineral content and small water molecule clusters. Both traits allow your cells to absorb the water more quickly. 

Often we follow the newest trends in drinking water. We might want to consider what is suitable for our health and activity level. If you workout daily and sweat you will need more water than someone that does not. If you work outdoors in construction you will need more water than someone that works inside at a desk. Diuretics such as coffee and soda cause you to lose water, so prioritizing a glass of water per drink will help balance that out.

  • What Minerals Do I Balance?

    • The Fantastic Three

Who knew that you needed minerals in your water? Most purified waters are stripped of these vital minerals that help with hydrating the cells. So the more you drink the more complex your body works to assimilate the water molecules pulling minerals from your body.

 A balance of Sodium, Magnesium, and Potassium is necessary for your body to absorb and hydrate your cells. This trio is the secret powerhouse!

An easy way to add minerals to your purified water is to add a pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt, or Celtic Sea Salt. Any naturally occurring salt will work because natural salt contains a balance of all three minerals your body needs. 

  • Cellular  Absorption

    • Why Micronutrients Are Important

Just drinking water alone will not be enough to keep you hydrated. The body craves more. More micronutrients. Think plant matter!

Here I present the phenomenal fruit and veggie kingdom! All fruits and veggies contain water, minerals, phytonutrients, and vitamins. All have a part to play in your body’s ability to absorb water. 

The opportunity is here to eat more fruits and veggies and watch your chronic dehydration slip away. Fruits especially hydrate our bodies with so many essential nutrients already assimilated in water.

  • Lifestyle Factors

    • On or Off The Couch?

Why is it that active people are chronically more dehydrated? Is it possible that they are doing something wrong?

Active people sweat. When you sweat you also lose minerals. How do you replace these minerals? Often people hydrate with caffeine or carbonation and then fuel themselves with a protein bar or protein shake. 

May I suggest, we need to replenish our storage of these vital minerals in fresh juices, smoothies, and vegetables? What if we opted for something alive with cellular information instead of packaged? Choosing fresh over processed will allow you to get more water into your life.

Imagine feeling hydrated throughout your day. 

You can get through your workout because your body is feeling supported.

 You can use the bathroom regularly and your gut is thanking you. 

The headaches you suffer through have disappeared. 

Your brain fog has lifted. 

I have been through these symptoms. It took me some time before I made the connection to what water I was drinking and how much. Since making the changes, I am more hydrated throughout my day. Which in turn causes me to feel better and enhance the quality of my life.

You can do this too! 

Change is hard but it's also rewarding.

Your body will thank you!