You Are In The Right Place At The Right Time!


The wisdom is in the body: not the mind

Britaney Parks

Self Care Starts With You


01 — You Are Worth It

Self-care actually helps you think better, feel better, and be better.

First: Do it for you

Second: Do it for how you interact with the world around you

02 — How You Care for Yourself Affects Your Mental Health

Studies show that when you prioritize self-care (whatever that looks like for you) you become happier, healthier, less stressed, and more fulfilled.

I know this to be true because I am guilty of letting this slip sometimes. It’s okay to give yourself grace and begin again.

03 — Stay Consistent

This piece. Right here. Consistency.

Start small.

A 5 minute meditation daily, A walk 3 times a week, A massage once a month, or a yoga class once a week.

You got this!

04 — Do Things That Make Your Heart Happy

This may take some getting used to. It may also help to inventory your life and ask yourself does doing xyz make me happy?

If the answer is yes, then prioritize those things.

If the answer is no, then see how you can let go of things that are no longer serving you.