Energy Self Care For Entrepreneurs

5 Tips for Optimal Energetic Health

We are all energy beings. That is how we connect with the universe/intelligence surrounding us. The state of our vibration or energy affects our immediate surroundings. 

Have you ever heard your thoughts create your reality?

This is because your thoughts are an energy or frequency. The mind is powerful, that when we create thoughts, the body puts out that vibration into the world around us. Negative thoughts equal low vibration, while positive thoughts equal high vibration. This is probably going to be controversial…..Hustle, grind, stress, and worry equal low vibration, while relaxed aligned action and trust equals high vibration. So if the state of our energy and thoughts literally create the world around us, it stands to reason that we should be bringing attention to this part of ourselves.

Tip 1~ How you begin your day sets the tone for your energy

Do you begin your day with a sense of gratitude for another opportunity in this thing called life?

Do you begin the day anxiously/ hurriedly rushing?

The way we begin our day creates a foundation for the experiences that follow.

 If you begin waking early with gratitude, maybe you feel the warmth of the sun as you take a walk outside. Or maybe you feel the gentle breeze on your skin, maybe you just notice the wonder of the world around you.

On the other hand, you wake up late and are rushing around trying to get out the door while the phone is ringing and your coffee is spilling, and you trip over the dog toys. 

Do you see and feel the difference of the energy? Do you see how you get to choose? You can begin by asking yourself, How do I want to show up today? And then go forth!

Tip 2~ Food is Fuel

When we honor our body, we honor our spirit or energy. 

If you imagine yourself as an electrical being, all the neurons and atoms intentionally moving through you to create thought, speech, movement, and life, can you not agree that how we feed that electrical system is vitally important? Imagine feeding that complex system (your body) heavy, fried, foods. How does the body then have to assimilate this substance to create fuel for the system? Or you can fill your body with fresh, alive information ( food that is in its most natural form) the body can assimilate this much easier as it already knows what it is. The frequencies are similar. So whether you know it or not you are affecting your frequency by what you put into your body.

Tip 3~ Movement is Medicine to the Energy System

Energy is always moving, its in motion. So it makes sense that a body in motion stays in motion. I have found that we need at least 30 minutes a day of mindful movement, and bonus if you can get some sunlight (vitamin d) in there too! 

Tip 4~ Creating Balance Through Boundaries

Setting boundaries around your work day, client schedule, when you answer emails or texts. Doing so creates a work life balance. Energy craves balance. Scheduling your faith time, you time, family time, amd then strongly adhering to these boundaries will keep you in a state of balance. And you can always revisit if something is not working. These can always be adjusted. Remember boundaries are for you, not for anyone else. People may have a hard time understanding your boundaries and that is okay. When you prioritize a schedule that makes you happy that energy flows out into the rest of your existence.

Tip 5 ~ Holistic practices to Support You

Even as an energy practitioner, I still get reiki sessions. I also go for massages, yoga classes and chiropractic care. I go to sound baths and do moon ceremonies. Even though I work on balancing my own energy, sometimes I need an outside perspective. Sometimes I just want to receive. And that is okay. Allowing another person to hold space for is is a beautiful gift. Any holistic practice that helps reconnect the mind and body is energy balancing. Discover what calls to you. What practice interests you the most? 

I hope you have some actionable ideas through this blog on how to create a healthy balance with your energy while being a busy entrepreneur. My goal is to help awaken us as a collective to the energy we carry with us and the power we have in creating our reality. You have that power. I have that power. What you think, you create. 

To learn more about Reiki energy healing, go to:

Wild Sage Healing LLC

Offering Massage Therapy in Scottsdale Arizona. Thai Massage-Yoga-Reiki Healing-Therapeutic Massage. Trauma-Informed Practice

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