Teaching Reiki 1

This week I completed my first Florida Reiki 1 class! My student was just as excited as I was, so ready to step into this next level for her. She has an amazing foundation and such an interest and passion for the healing arts.

You might be wondering what is Reiki and what do you learn in the Reiki 1 class?

I will tell you……

Reiki is universal healing love and light. We are all energetic beings and we thrive on frequencies.

It is the energy of Mana, Prana, chi, ki, and laying on of hands. Reiki is an ancient form of healing from Japan and dates all the way back to ancient Egypt.

It is available to everyone, though not everyone has the capacity of awareness to tap into this beautiful loving energy. Reiki is a healing force that brings the client and practitioner what is needed in that moment. It can never be harmful to you. The practitioner is in a sense a channel of this beautiful energy to the client. It often works best when the practitioner and the client are open to what comes.

You might experience deep rest, you might experience beautiful colors, and you also might experience your shadow self. Your experience is your own and the practitioner has no part in shaping your experience. But know that this healing is of the utmost unconditional love and light.

Now in my practice of Reiki over the last few years, I have seen this healing be super effective for mental health, anxiety, depression, and addiction. I have watched as clients begin to make positive changes in their own lives and their own pace. And it’s a beautiful thing. Reiki works on the nervous system, and also helps remove blocks of generational trauma. Reiki is non-invasive and will only go where you allow it to go in your body. You have autonomy over your body and with your permission can allow it to go wherever you desire.

What do we learn in Reiki 1?

We learn the history of Reiki and how it’s began and what it was used for.

We also learn the 5 Reiki principles and 3 Pillars.

We learn grounding and protection techniques

We learn hand positioning and symbols for self-healing and healing others

We learn Reiki ethics and finish with the attunement process. A process that tunes you to a higher frequency of energy.

You are then ready to begin your journey with self - healing ! Practicing at least 5 minutes a day and continuing to do so over the next few months.

This process is so fun as I absolutely love helping women take back their sovereign power. Learning how to vibrate higher and connect with life force healing energy. Becoming a self healer while learning to help your communities and the world around you.

Wild Sage Healing LLC

Offering Massage Therapy in Scottsdale Arizona. Thai Massage-Yoga-Reiki Healing-Therapeutic Massage. Trauma-Informed Practice


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