Wild Sage Healing LLC

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5 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Health

Hi guys! Welcome back to the blog!

Today we are talking about health and tangible things we can do today to move the needle. Ways to make changes that help you feel better about you. I am so excited to share with you 5 ways that you can make a difference in your overall health beginning now.

First up is food.

The most important thing is what you are putting in your body. Try out choosing fresh over processed food. Anything that is actually alive with beautiful information for our bodies. No canned, bagged, or food filled with preservatives. Focus on the outer perimeter of the grocery store. Avoid the inner aisles. Choose fruit or veggies as snacks instead of chips and crackers. Choose a fresh sautéed veggie or giant salad with all the fresh ingredients for dinner. Maybe begin your day with a smoothie or fresh juices. There are so many ways to incorporate fresh food in your daily diet, so find something that works for you!

Second is the products you are putting on your body.

By the time most people walk out the door in the morning to go to work, they have put 10-20 chemicals on their body(via the skin, the largest organ in the body) that cause hormone imbalance, liver issues, and other health issues.

Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shave cream, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, cologne, body lotion, and that is just to start. No telling what chemicals are in the laundry detergent, fabric softener, scent beads, and dryer sheets. Your clothes sit against your skin day in and day out. Now I know this can be a daunting process, I have been there. It’s been a journey. But now that I have an understanding and have seen a huge improvement in my own health, I know that making these changes are worth it. You can begin by switching out one thing at a time for a healthier option with minimal ingredients. Think no SLS, no parabens, no Sulfates, no mineral oil, no fragrance, no dyes, no chemicals.

Our 3rd talking point is exercise.

At least 30 minutes daily doing something that stimulates your muscles, gets your heart rate up, and improves the circulation of your body. It doesn’t have to be super strenuous exercise just something to get your energy level going. It can be walking, yoga, biking, running, weights. I would also mix it up, for two reasons. First reason is that you don’t get bored doing the same thing every day,so stimulating the mind by changing it up is key. The second reason is that by changing it up you are consistently working different areas of your body.

The fourth way you can improve your health is through mindfulness meditation. Meditation is a super powerful practice that you get the opportunity to harness the infinite power of the mind and brain. You get to create focus, tunnel vision towards a goal, or be the observer of your own reality. Taking 10 minutes every morning to “get your mind right” will literally improve your daily life. Physical health, brain health, emotional health are all major players In how we see the world. Imagine all these parts of you being given the best platform to move throughout your day beginning with meditation.

And last but not least (it actually maybe the most important of these five things), Connecting with nature.

All of nature. The Sun, moon, rain, snow, rivers, beach, ocean, streams, birds, animals, and plants. We are an integral part of this planet. Often in our busy lives we can forget to reconnect, recharge, and recognize the importance of our connection with the earth. It’s scientifically proven that spending time in nature will de-stress your body and reset your nervous system. An easy way to incorporate connecting with nature is setting aside time daily to get outside. Maybe you walk the dogs at a certain time. Maybe you take your lunch break outdoors. Or maybe you do a daily workout outside. Anything you can do to get out of the house and into the outdoors, do it.

These are all simple no -nonsense things that you can start implementing today to improve your overall health. As always I am here if you have questions or need some support in getting started. These transitions don’t have to be difficult, especially when having a support system in place. Often we want to make changes to support our health and living our best life but don’t know where to start. This article is for you.