6 Herbs That Got Me Through My Caffeine Detox

Hey guys!

I’m back again with the final post on my 5 week break from caffeine! So my last post talked about the experience breaking from caffeine and what benefits I found in doing this. I definitely saw improvement in my own personal health and wellness. But I could not have done this without the help of herbal support. So this post is dedicated to the herbs that helped me get here.

The first herb we are going to talk about is lemon balm. I am absolutely in love with this herb. It’s supports a calm nervous system and helps to reduce anxiety. I mean it! Like 5 minutes after I take it my anxiety goes away. I prefer a tincture (Herb Pharm) over a capsule as I feel that it’s readily absorbed by my body.

The next herb we will talk about is white willow bark. This is a natural pain reliever. Think headaches and body aches. Great alternative to aspirin and Tylenol, especially if you want to give your liver a break from breaking down pain medicine. It’s good to have some of these alternatives in your pocket for when you need them.

My next herb is actually a trio of herbal teas by Yogi Tea. I have lived on these teas for the last 5 weeks. Yogi teas carefully craft beautiful blends that are balanced and help your body create balance inside. The Detox Tea, Lavender Tea, and Turmeric Chai Tea. I would drink the detox tea first thing after my celery juice in the morning, then midday drink the turmeric tea, and end the day with the lavender. These teas have curbed my desire for coffee by 75%. Absolutely love them and recommend.

My fourth recommendation is ashwaganda. This is an Ayurvedic herb that is an adaptogen, which means it helps the body to handle stress. It also calms the nervous system and balances hormones. I use it in powder form and add it to my morning smoothies.

My fifth herb to recommend is Maca root. This herb helps with energy while boosting the adrenal glands. This is a powerhouse herb with so many other benefits (like anti inflammatory and improved brain health) but a boost of energy without the crash of caffeine is a huge one. I also use this in powder form in my smoothies.

My last herb I want to bring to the conversation is lavender. I use this daily to calm and relax my mind. This can be used in herb form or as an essential oil. You can add it to your bath, use it in a body butter, or put it in an oil diffuser. It is very powerful for anti- anxiety, anti- headaches, body aches, and supports sleep. ( I actually make and sell a body balm with lavender and a few other oils to support relaxation and sleep)

These are the herbs I have been relying on so heavily the past 5 weeks. They have supported me through this process and experience. I still use them, just a bit less as my body has been adjusting to this new lifestyle.

Wild Sage Healing LLC

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