Wild Sage Healing LLC

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Massage for Chronic Pain

Over the last 5 years, I have experienced firsthand as well as seen with my own eyeballs the pain relief benefits of massage therapy combined with a stretch practice (yoga, pilates, etc…)

Massage therapy addresses any musculoskeletal issues and brings any tension or stuck energy to the surface to be dealt with by the body.

Very effective in relieving headaches, migraines, back and shoulder pain, I have had clients come to me in such agony, and leave smiling with no pain.

As a person that has dealt with chronic pain, I have a regular massage schedule for myself monthly, as well as other self-care practices.

I can live with very little to no pain if I stay on track with my self-care for which I am grateful!

Massage helps to bring the body back to a place of homeostasis and clear the energetic channels.