Wild Sage Healing LLC

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Self Love, The #1 Cure

A few months ago,

 I was re-evaluating 2020. The goals I had set, my vision board, and all that jazz, when I realized the gap between what my goals were and my reality.

I began to pay attention over the next few months to my actions and also seeing the same pattern in a lot of my clients.

Determined to find out what was holding myself and my clients back from reaching our goals, I stumbled upon this simple but amazing truth.


The reason that you may have trouble achieving your goals, chasing your dreams, getting that job you want, or even staying in a bad relationship is….

And what you can do about it!


It is quite simple really.

It’s an energetic shift that takes place..

Guess Where

In the mind!

A belief system, in our core of beliefs.


Lack of SELF-LOVE!!!!

You guessed it!

What do you believe?

If we truly love ourselves why do we struggle with:

Self-Care, Relationships, Saying No, Jobs We Dislike?

If we truly love ourselves, why wouldn’t we want to eat better, work out, chase our dreams, and be the best we can be?


Here is the tender but hard truth.

#1 Someone told you that you didn’t deserve

#2 Someone treated you like you were not worthy

#3 You believed that someone/ or based on circumstances you told yourself that you were not worthy or did not deserve

But this is not the end of the story, it is actually the beginning.

The beginning of awareness around this topic.

Awareness sneaks in and allows our mind to become conscious of habits or hindrances that play out in our mind.

The way out…..

#1 Action the biggest proponent of change

#2 Get clear on what your goals are

#3 Shift your energy

Step out of your mind and into your body with these Mantras:

I deserve love, I deserve joy, I deserve happiness, I deserve peace

I am worthy of love, I am worthy of success, I am worthy of greatness, I am worthy of achieving my goals.


Create Your Core Values:

#1 Get quiet, meditate, grounded and centered

#2 Write down your Core Values

#3 Once you set your values, hold to them steadfast


Movement is Medicine

Gym: a great way to get out of your mind and into your body

Yoga: awesome for assessing where your body is holding tension (emotions)

And sending breath into the tight spaces

Running: opportunity to release those emotions!

Laugh, cry, scream, Let it out!


Mindset Shifts :

Write down how you speak to yourself, positive/ negative

What do you notice?

Can you bring awareness to your speech?


Manifestation Techniques

#1 Get a journal and what down your goals with a date to be accomplished by

#2 Begin saying these things aloud as if they have already happened.

How does it feel, sound, or taste?

Make them tangible

#3 Have a friend or spouse join you in this process manifesting your reality



-Britaney Parks

Founder and Ceo Solstice Wellness Company

Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Yoga Instructor, Self-Love/ Holistic Business


I have been on a journey the last 7 years. I came from struggling with an eating disorder and hating myself, to absolutely loving my body and being grateful for life!

I now help women create the life they want through deeper self-love and business coaching.